Saturday, October 25, 2008

Hey hey Mr. Turtle Mr. Turtle yo!

Kasumi & Erika's "Turtle Song":

Moshi moshi kame o (Hey hey Turtle)
kame san yo (Mr. turtle yo!)
seikai no uchi de (In the whole world)
omae hodo (no one is slower than you.)
ayumi no noroi (why do you go)
mono wanai (so slowly?)
Doshite sonna ni
noro i no ka?

Kasumi and Erikia taught me this song after school today, while teaching me how to use the kendama: a ball on a string attached to a wooden three-pronged piece with three different-size circular bases. You hold it navel-level and try to flip the ball like a yoyo to land it on one of the cups. It's hard, but the turtle song is funny.

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